Thursday, September 6, 2007

Bell vs. Arkell Trial- Day 1

Day 1 of proceedings at the Third District Court gave the prosecution an opportunity to present their first pieces of crucial evidence. The defendant, Jeremy Bell is seen here on the stand, being questioned by Keith Burton.

The prosecution brought out Arkell's uniform, which was tested for traces of ex-lax. Apparently the tests were positive for ex-lax residue, placing a bind on the defense to find answers.

This opened bottle of ex-lax also turned up in Bell's Eagle Mountain condominium, after police entered with a warrant to search the premises. Bell claims that his wife had been having vicious bouts with constipation.

Herriman police also confirmed on Thursday that numerous droppings were located in Butterfied Canyon approximately 50 feet west of a "No Pooping in the Canyon" sign. Considering the extreme circumstances, the District Attorney's office said a fine would not be issued to Arkell for relieving himself in a public park.


At September 8, 2007 at 3:58 PM , Blogger cameo said...

I love the fact that you took a picture of the marathon clothes. Who does that?

At September 9, 2007 at 12:08 AM , Blogger Nimmy Mae said...

I don't think I have ever seen your clothes laid out so nicely on the floor....have you Gina? I bet they would look even nicer put away where they belong...have you ever seen him do that Gina?

(If anyone is offended by this remark - don't be - and if you are - the truth must hurt or you better reread Bednar's 2006 conference talk)


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