Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Only in Provo, maybe?

Leaving the BYU Football game at 9:40 pm - pitch black - we saw a mother in the grass next to the stadium changing her baby's diaper.

Does any other fan base take infants to a college football game? The poor kids get their eardrums blasted out and have to stay up late. Let them sleep! Now, I'm not completely opposed to parents bringing three week old kids to games, I can understand. They probably couldn't find a babysitter or have never left their baby with anyone. BUT, the guy behind me at the game can't understand why people do it. His thoughts? "I would commit suicide before I brought a baby to a football game".  A little extreme - especially since I don't like it when people joke about suicide and killing themselves - but probably a popular opinion.

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At October 2, 2012 at 10:08 PM , Blogger Cassie L. said...

Only in Provo. I am telling you that when I was in college, if there was a baby...born to parents of college students....anywhere on campus, it was nothing short of scandalous. I didn't even know ANYONE in college that was married. None. Just saying. I came from a different place.

At October 2, 2012 at 11:34 PM , Blogger Ben Arkell said...

That's crazy. Interesting this Mormon culture is.

At October 3, 2012 at 5:04 PM , Blogger Elisa said...

Ha! funny because I'm considering taking 5 month old Nora to the 8pm game this Friday :). It's that or leave her w/the teenage babysitter along with her four siblings...oh yeah and she's 100% nursing so if she gets hungry, her and the sitter will be out of luck

At October 3, 2012 at 9:30 PM , Blogger Ben Arkell said...

Elisa, I guess the whole nursing thing makes sense. I forget that sometimes because we do the bottle. I wish we could go to the game too!

At October 8, 2012 at 11:43 AM , Blogger Elisa said...

Update: we didn't end up bringing Nora, and I'm glad. It was so loud and so late I'm sure she would've screamed the whole time. I fed her and put her to bed before we left...we just left a little later than we would've typically if we didn't have a nursing baby. But it was all good :).

At October 8, 2012 at 11:46 AM , Blogger Ben Arkell said...

I was thinking of you guys, especially when I realized it was an 8:15 start. Hope you had a great time!


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