2008 Lombardi Half-Marathon Preview
It seems like so long ago. But it was only 2 summers past, when the Lombardi clan decided to fight the rising cost of marathons. So what if the price of crude oil is skyrocketing? Why should that mean we have to pay more to run? We should be able to physically abuse ourselves - for no apparent reason other than we having nothing else to do on Labor Day weekend - for free. That summer Cameo took first place and solidified her legacy in the Lombardi history books as she ran along the Provo River in record speed.Year two saw a jump to twelve participants in the Lombardi Cheapskate Half-Marathon (LCHM), double from the year before. We had an equal mix of runners and walkers, and the scenic route through Butterfield Canyon was one that will not be forgotten. Ty took the trophy home, although the only thing which kept him going was his pinkie swear with Koy at age 4 that he would never get beat by a girl in a sporting event.
Last years sponsor Dr. Koy has official pulled his funding for this year's event. An unfortunate legal battle (see here) involving last years race has brought shame to the event and has forced Dr. Koy to withdraw funding and any support for the race. Dr Koy, who also designed the award winning Butterfield Canyon trail, was recently spotted in Europe by TMZ with a member of a traveling choral group. So much for avoiding scandal.
Cassie has been appointed by an interim committee to head up the design and organization of 2008's half-marathon. She promises a challenge course and would be making her second straight appearance in the event, but she is on the PUP list. (physically unable to perform)
Ty, last year's winner, feeds off the competition of the event. His only complaint is that because he is always in front, he "can't see the people behind him sucking wind in excruciating pain". Having just finished 2nd in the South Salt Lake 5K, he is poised for a repeat in 2008 as half-marathon winner.
Cameo, the lone runner in this fields event having run a marathon, has one goal, and one goal only. To beat Ben. She's not in it for the exercise, she's in it for the glory. Having raised the bar this season by finished the SLC Marathon, she is the early favorite and front runner in Vegas. However, her lack of focus and frequent partying will make it difficult for her to live up to expectations.
Misti will be making her first appearance in the half-marathon. Running was never on her resume, until this year that is. Misti has a set running schedule she claims to adhere to religiously, although paparazzi in New York recently snatched this photo of her on a so-called "run". She has recently run in a 5K and is on pace to be a contender to be reckoned with.
Trista, one of the walkers in this years event, recently returned from Spring Break in Mexico. Still maintaining a perfect figure after two kids, this years event is more for the fun and the family. But watch out, say something sly to this gal, and she might just chase you down and take the trophy herself.
Ben has one 5K under his belt, and will be making his 2nd appearance in the Lombardi half-marathon. Last year he finished third even after being poisoned with ex-lax. Currently in training, Ben has recently taken advice from Olympian Michael Phelps who has suggested a sleek new training suit that should shave off minutes from Ben's time.
Maria is one of 3 participants that have run in all 3 races since 2006. After a full year of working as a personal trainer, she is sure to have the legs this year to make a push for the title.
Jeremy was the lone male to run in the 1st Annual race. He is also the only male to have "finished" a full marathon. He realized soon after that he was not cut out for a life in athletics, so he decided to sign on as the half-marathon water boy. However, this post is officially issuing a challenge to Jeremy: Run the race and beat Ben--if you do, Ty will pay all of your green fees for life.
Gina is a hottie. That said, she is another of our participants who plans on prolonging the torture by walking the half-marathon. She walks with a vengeance and will be looking to add the title to her mantle.
The 3rd Annual LCHM figures to full of great competition and fun. Let us remember why we are doing this event. It is not to save money. It is not for the competition. It is not for the exercise. It is not to win. The purpose of the event is to win BIG. We'll see you at the starting line.
AP News
July 1st, 2008
LOVE the post! It's about time you got back to this. :D Looking forward to it.
I feel so slighted...I totally walked half of the half marathon that first year and I was soooo not in that picture. If I remember correctly, I was getting bagels while the rest started. So sad.
And don't you dare take Jeremy away from his water post!!! Or you aren't getting any!!!
How is your training going? I am going to finish but this heat is killing me.
What happened to me being included in this blog? I have walked both half-marathons (kind of - just half of the half the first year) Just because both of my knees are not working right now does not mean by Labor day I will not be 100% ready to take all of you on!
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