A blog only Hinghamites will understand
In an attempt to preserve the memories of our reunion of March 26-29, 2009, I will make note of the blessed occurrence on my blog so I may read it often and never forget. For those of you who were not able to come, and for those of you who were, let me inscribe on this blog a few of my recollections and thoughts.The first thing I might say is that although Matt, Sean, Rick, Seth, and I are all grown up and big, most of us with families and children, in some respects we have not changed at all. I think the person who has changed the most is Seth, in that he is more outgoing and sociable, but not so much as I remember after the mission. Matt is still the master story teller, Rick still says random stuff that we shake our heads and laugh at, Sean is still wacky Sean, and I am sure I am similar to how I was 12 years ago, although I will let someone else describe how.
We still stay up way too late. The first two nights we stayed up talking until 12:30am, and Saturday night didn't hit the hay until 3:30am. I would have gone to bed earlier, but Matt and Rick were sitting on my bed. We had a good time sharing old mission stories and we could have gone one for hours more I'm sure. Let me leave you with a few of the highlights of the weekend.
Max, Matt's boy, is an absolute crack-up. He sat at the window for quite a long time wondering when Logan and Sara were going to get there. While waiting, he asked me if I had a favorite show. I told him I liked Saved by the Bell. He said "My mom watches that show. That kid Zack, he's got a lot of great ideas!" It was really funny, but maybe you had to be there to see him explain it.
The other hilarious Max story involved the Wii. I think Matt was trying to get him to share or take turns, and he suggested this to Max and said "Is that a good idea?" to which Max responded emphatically "That's a HORRIBLE idea!!" We all busted up laughing, although we probably should have. But it was HI-larious.
This picture below is of Matthew, Sean's little boy. Need I say more?
Sara, Sean's daughter, is a little princess for sure. She has the cutest voice, especially when she is begging. She had a handful of stuffed animals/toys she wanted to bring in the car and Jeni was trying to tell her to leave them at the house. She turned to her mom and said "But I can't I just take one?" She melts your heart sometimes with the ways she pleas. Hard to say no to her sometimes I'm sure.
Logan, Rick's boy, is the cutest little thing I have ever seen. His dimples are so dang cute and when you get that boy laughing you never want to see him stop. We especially all loved how he would say "Papa". I want to teach all my kids to call me Papa from now on. It is so adorable.
Mallory, Matt's little girl, is a cutie. I won't say that she doesn't like to be with her dad, I'll just say she REALLY likes her mom. She gets antsy whenever Jen is not in the room with her.
It was really neat getting to know all the gangs' kids. They are all amazing and special in their own way.
A few more memories: Sean's story about 'Food Boy" on the mission, where people were pulling full course meals out of their arm pits and coats. Rick trying to justify not getting the kind of ice cream Moshi wanted. Seth and his veggie kabobs. Our inability to acquire any Virgils. Dog the Bounty hunter, after Rick said he saw the same highlight for the 8th time on Sportscenter. Ben and his lack of memory, and saying that such and such was on Facebook too. Matt's new grill.
Thanks again to Matt, Jen, Max, and Mallory for letting us crash their home. Matt and I were talking about how amazing it is that all of us have come to the point where we have. We started as young, obnoxious teenagers, and grew to be men. We've all served honorable missions, returned to the real world, we've brought our brides to the temple and started wonderful families, or are planning to do so soon. And we continue to build the kingdom wherever we may be, and some more than others (Rick). I'm proud of you guys and hope we can keep in touch throughout the years and keep our friendships strong. Feel free to comment and add to the memories so I don't forget about them.
Thanks for recording all of these memories Ben.. seriously though I am very grateful for technology...
I really hope you and Gina and the kids can come out and visit MA some time. But, I have a feeling we'll be seeing you fisrt, we are overdue for a trip to Utah.
Great post Ben...I'm still laughing about the picture of Matthew...It is true though...I can't deny it.
Ben, I'm glad to say that Rick finally got me the flavor of ice cream I wanted this week!
Oh, I love hearing about how all of you are doing! You boys are the best, and i'm proud that you have grown up to be amazing men and dads. That is one thing I never doubted would happen.
I would have loved to have been there for the story swapping and catching up.
A few thoughts and images come to mind when I think of you guys...
Paraplegic-hockey/indian-style at the Zellers in that big room with rolled -up socks.
Rick drinking pickle juice.
72 rolls of TP.
Ransom note, pizza at midnight,rat poison scriptures.
Seth's interpretation of circuscision during cherades, his snipping fingers will haunt me for life.
Painting faces and sheets for Matt's football games.
Erica Lee.
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